Tuesday 16 November 2021

Response to Text: Rangoli (Tuesday (W5, T4)

 Response to text:30+ Beautiful Peacock Rangoli Designs | Latest Collection 2021


Highlight the correct answer or write down the appropriate response.

1. Rangoli is… 

a) coloured powder b) designs made using coloured powder

c) a new position in soccer d) another word for Diwali

2. What are Rangoli supposed to bring to the house?

a) Bad luck b) Good luck

c) Phospherousity d) Trick or Treaters

3. Rangoli are supposed to bring prosperity. Explain what prosperity is in your own words

→Being prosperous means you have a life worth living. It means your internal and external worlds are congruent. It means you have deep and loving relationships.

4. True or False: Rangoli in South India is called Mandana

a) True b) False

5. Which of these is NOT a traditional material used to create Rangoli?

a) Beans b) Rice

c) Taro d) Salt

6. “The most important element of Rangoli is being colorful”

Explain how this fits in with Diwali, and what we learned about the lights yesterday.

→Rangoli design is created at the entrance of the house, not only to welcome the guests that visit, but also the Goddess herself. Rangoli patterns are usually made using coloured chalk, rice powder, and crushed limestone.

7. Explain in your own words how to create a Rangoli design.

→ a regular grocery store. Typical materials include rice flour (either plain or dyed), as well as lentils and beans to feed birds and ants. Rangoli is supposed to be meaningful to others, from honored guests to the smallest creatures, as well as being beautiful.

Here are a few things you can use for your Rangoli:

Colorful Flower petals

Rangoli Powder/Chalk Powder

Colored Raw Rice

Raw Beans/Raw Lentils

Raw Colorful Pasta

Rice Powder

Salt or Epsom Salt

Rangoli tools (optional)

Use items available at home like plates, bowls, bottle caps, or bangle bracelets to create perfect circle designs. Use a paint brush tip or Q-tips to fill in the finer details.


Fill an empty salt/pepper shaker with Rangoli colors for an easy shaker to fill in the design.

To make colorful rice, pasta, or salt: measure 1 cup of rice, pasta, or salt into a container that comes with a lid (or a sealable bag). Add food coloring and 1 teaspoon of vinegar. Put the lid on the container or seal the top of the bag, and shake everything up until the color is evenly distributed. Spread the material in an even layer on a paper plate or towel until dry. For faster drying, spread materials on a sheet tray and put in the oven at a low temperature, stirring occasionally until dry.

Choose the design you want to make -- either geometrical, a floral design, or get creative and follow wherever your inspiration leads you! 

Decide where to draw your Rangoli. You can draw on the floor or outside of your house.

Give dimension to your outline with white textured material like rice flour, Rice flour/Rangoli Powder is usually applied freehand by letting it run from the gap formed by pinching the thumb and forefinger.

Choose the materials you will use to fill in the design. Use natural materials easily found in your house or garden. You can use flower petals, leaves, colored rice,  chalk or Rangoli powder, beans etc.

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